Our Poptown workshops

To celebrate Pride Parade, we held a two-week queer sculpture workshop together with the ‘Przyszła Niedoszła’ collective and Filip Musial. Together with us, the participants designed and built a queer totem.

Articles on this topic, published on Poptown.eu, can be read under here:

Pod ich czujnym okiem zbudujemy totem! Poznajcie opiekunów_ki warsztatów

“Under their watchful eye we will build a totem! Meet the workshop leaders

Nie bać się porażek i tworzyć silną wspólnotę – nasz queerowy totem was potrzebuje!

“Don’t be afraid of failures and create a strong community – our queer totem needs you!

Ale się zadziało! Wjeżdża relacja z naszego pride’owego projektu z Converse

“But we had a blast! A report from our pride project with Converse is coming in



Would you like to learn more or start cooperation? Contact us! 🙂